Lets get ready to rumble... Annihilation Tournament???

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Lets get ready to rumble... Annihilation Tournament???

Post by S_hift »

The idea is to keep at least 4 main clans active so that we can develop an Annihilation Tournament, statistics, and server rewards. The goal is simple. Seeing that many people are getting bored of their newer games, its no wonder that they're coming back to what started it all. Tribes!

With that said, I'll be undergoing a month of outpatient rehab. I'll be spending most of my time at home and work to reflect on the things that mean the most to me. Skating, tribes, family, and friends. There are many of you whom I would consider some of my closest friends.

Anyway I hope that we can all take part in this activity, which in turn will help boost player population on Tribes.

The Annihilation Tournament will consist of 5 parts.

Part 1. Each leader duels in the major armor sets. Each armor will consist of 4 duel rounds and 1 extended round. A total of 25 rounds. Warrior, Builder, Titan, Troll, and Chameleon Assassin. Each of these will have certain conditions of initiation.

Part 2. Placement will be made based on who wins the most duels. Duel wins are tallied up. Meaning that even if you lost entirely on one armor, you can still save face with another armor duel.

Part 3. Map picking will be based on two maps per match. That means enemy and friendly teams will have a choice on the map. The team leader with the most overall duel wins chooses first map.

part 4. Two teams will be picked for the first match. The 1st place leader will face the 3rd place leader. The 2nd place leader will face the 4th place leader. The winner of those two matches will face eachother.

Part 5. Demos will be submitted by each player and labeled with their most known alias. Server Rewards will consist of certain server status levels. This can be discussed further and is open for ideas.


No wall hacks IE happy mod or DTS shapes that signal player positions ect.

No Spamming, this includes voicepack spam and local spam. Auto taunt and manual local taunts are ok. Please use teamchat only while playing. We're all adults, lets keep it professional.

No red skins or solid color player skins. Must be a legit skin, nothing neon. clan issued skins are ok as long as they are not Solid or neon colored.

No happy flag. No box flags, no tube flags, No bullshit. STANDARD TRIBES FLAGS ONLY.

No Flag skins. Default Blood Eagle and Diamond Sword flag rags only. Milk mans Hi-res Defaults acceptable. No solid color flags.

No DTS armor swaps. This includes ANY armor swap modification STRICTLY T1 ARMOR SHAPES.

No OpenGL hacks IE shatners OGL, or any openGL based hack. This includes Script GL plugins!!!

Every player MUST record a demo of each match. Demos not required for Leader Duels.

A neutral party observer will record the game in stadium view or free cam. This person will not be affiliated with any of the clans whatsoever.

No Smurfs! Only people who are truly in the clan or whom are recruited and intend to STAY in the clan can play. If you are missing a person you cannot use a "filler" a secondary match will be placed. After that if your team fails to appear then the whole team automatically forfeits.

Team Leaders must notify the ENTIRE CLAN and keep them posted. Clan members are also encouraged to stay current with events. Leaders must do their role to ensure that their members will participate. This means keeping tabs on members and making sure they do not end up MIA.


Warrior - Duels initiate upon grenade toss explosion. Disc and Nade launcher only. No noob shit

Builder - Duels initiate upon grenade toss explosion. Rocket Luancher, Railgun, Pitchfork, and RepairGun ONLY. Opponents must grapple and luanch the enemy with pitchfork before using the railgun.

Titan - Duels initiate upon bomb toss explosion. Standard Titan loadout. No fancy shit. You must fire one rocket then one phase before using particle beam. os missles do not count.

Troll - Duels initiate upon grenade toss explosion. Standard troll duel.

Chameleon Assassin - Duels initiate upon bomb toss explosion (15 second timer) No Sniper rifle. Disc Luancher and Mini Bomber single nade only.

Your feedback is appreciated. No trolls, only serious inquires or ideas.
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Re: Lets get ready to rumble... Annihilation Tournament???

Post by f0xL3g3nD :) »


Builder - Opponents must grapple and luanch the enemy with pitchfork before using the railgun.

Titan - You must fire one rocket then one phase before using particle beam. os missles do not count.

Chameleon Assassin - Duels initiate upon bomb toss explosion (15 second timer) No Sniper rifle. Disc Luancher and Mini Bomber single nade only. [/color]
Builder - Who will be a ref to insure that one will actually use the pitchfork and boost a player before using a railgun?
Considering most people get pissy real fast when the gameplay doesn't go their way, who says they just wont shoot them?
Titan - Same goes with builder... Who will be the one to enforce such rule breaking?

I love the idea of a Tournament, it would really help bring the competitive lifestyle back into Tribes One...
But as you noticed today when even mentioning things like this, so many people were against it. Luckily they were just the common troll talking shit who doesn't participate in any clan event, nor see a point too.

What server would this take place in? Considering there is no way in hell we can control all the brazilians to actually play Tribes the way it was meant to be played back in the day.

The only way we can receive this type of participation is if the clan leaders actually hold clan practices, gettings recruitment back and going. I mean to be honest, you're the first clan leader in a long time that's actually offered to recruit people in a public game. Some may say that's against the rules because it is the "OZ and <!>" server... But honestly BR is basically the Annihilation Community... So if we want this type of participation we need to allow and encourage everyone to actually do recruitment. Everyone gets butt hurt in the end though, sadly a lot of people would be against this idea due to a lot of the rules/ set of the tourny will not be to their liking. We have seen it time after time again.

It may be easier to try to organize an open ladder for Anni spawn. Considering the vets take that more seriously then the Invo matches. I'm not saying LT, but back in the day when I played Nappy mod, NHOP would set up duel tournaments. Not just for NHOP members, but they would also allow regulars to sign up, as long as they had a partner. That being said it would be a 2 v 2.

I really wish the competitive games would return to Tribes, it's not that it can't be done, we have the playerbase.
Just need to initiative from the community leaders to actually help keep tribes alive, or step down and let someone else take charge.

Just saying... The only Owner admins that's actually active on this server is Bo and Crow, and Crow just returned to fix a lot of bo's mistakes. But that shit is in the past, no need to bring things back up. A lot of the drama and Admin abuse has stopped, but that's only because people got sick of being mistreated in a FREE game that's 15 years old, so they moved on.
If we spent more time actually trying to keep Tribes alive, rather than running it in our own views, maybe we would have a better turn out.

I mean a lot of people have left other mods to come to this mod only because it is the most popular server left on Tribes. I for one was never a really big fun of Anni, but I had to adapt just as much as a lot of us have. But since the Vets are showing some faces, let's get shit rolling. Either that or we can just keep playing unorganized lack of teamwork public matches. Where your own team will destroy your D and make your fun, stop.

Just a thought, but I am for this S_hift. it's a great idea. Perhaps some of the rules or simply some of the setup itself can be changed. But it will take the Leaders to decide this, the rest of us have to go with the flow.
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Re: Lets get ready to rumble... Annihilation Tournament???

Post by lil Tigga {OZ} »

fuck boosting let me just kill people with rail
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Re: Lets get ready to rumble... Annihilation Tournament???

Post by f0xL3g3nD :) »

lil Tigga {OZ} wrote:fuck boosting let me just kill people with rail
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Re: Lets get ready to rumble... Annihilation Tournament???

Post by DaJ4ck3L »

I miss shift
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Re: Lets get ready to rumble... Annihilation Tournament???

Post by f0x »

I thought this was a new post and Tribes was alive again or something.

Hope you all are still alive and what not.
browneyes wrote:lol he must be hardcore player.
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Re: Lets get ready to rumble... Annihilation Tournament???

Post by Ozzie »

Tribes will never die O_o :bgrin:
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Re: Lets get ready to rumble... Annihilation Tournament???

Post by perrinoia »

I would love to see this happen in 2015, and I have a few suggestions...

1) Make an official config for the tournament, and require only that config with no modifications besides keybinds.

2) If you are requiring people to record demos to prove they aren't cheating, you're wasting your time, because playing back the demo in any other config will not show their neon skins and custom flag shapes. Either require live streaming or honor system. I personally don't currently know how to set up live streaming, and worry about what it would do to my ping, so I'm actually in favor of the honor system, at the moment. But I could be convinced otherwise.

2) Include a voice pack with a duel count down script in the config, instead of tossing grenades (I can't tell you how many times my opponents have tossed their grenade to the side instead of under the platform, so it shocks me at the start of the duel, and forget about waiting 15 seconds for chameleon grenades... I'll be asleep by the start of the duel).

3) Duel in all of the armors... Angel duels are the most fun, of all.

4) Don't use real clans such as {OZ} and <!>, because there aren't enough left to put this together... Instead, do a duel tournament first to produce a leader board, and the top 4 players pick their teams from the leader board. Teams will be known as Blood Eagle, Diamond Sword, Children of Phoenix, and Star Wolf, or what ever the fuck the fourth team name is... I can't believe I can't remember it.

5) Since not all maps are balanced, each map should be played twice and teams swapped, to determine if the unbalanced nature of the map tipped the final score, or if one set of players dominates either way.
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Re: Lets get ready to rumble... Annihilation Tournament???

Post by justR »

I'd be surprised if a tourney actually worked out. imo a better idea would be a weekly pickup night, similar to what they have for base on Sunday nights.
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Re: Lets get ready to rumble... Annihilation Tournament???

Post by DaRk »

On campus yesterday, I saw a squirrel in a tree on the edge of a branch. You could tell he was thinking about jumping to the next tree, which looked to be a good ten feet across. I was thinking, "There is no fucking way he is going to make that if he tries." I sat there for a few moments to see if he would try, and sure enough he did. At first he looked like he wasn't going to make it, but then he latched onto the tip of a branch and kept clawing to pull the rest of his body up. In his attempt to do so, the branch was weak and broke and he fell about 15 feet to the ground. He quickly scurried away in all of his shame and up the trunk of a nearby tree. This reminded me of all our hopes and dreams of reviving Tribes back to 1999.
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