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Crow ..

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2015 3:38 pm
by SapoIV
Bro, I know people can go through walls with Necro... BUT shooting through it??
I am a Super Administrator and when I act its without malice .. That is why i am one..
You been slapping me all over last night.. I been wearing a bag of ice on my face the whole night after that incident ..

Maybe i am not doing the rite thing , but i am doing without insulting or disrespecting you .. The problems with have is because like Rolo said.
we are to scare to lay the Law down..If you are the way with me with others .. NO ONE will fuck around that server.. Not Lemon, Orange or shit chipmunk's ass.

I noticed when an Administrator acts that he gets lots of back draft.. We should be allow to make judgements and calls without being reprimand...
If I in anyway disrupting or acting with malice in the server ; Please let me know and I will get the f out of the way...
Trust me a lil , that is all I want ...

SAD fng :bfrog:

Re: Crow ..

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2015 4:55 pm
by Wise Man

1. Yes, there are instances where necros can shoot through walls. It is not always possible but certain textures, shapes, and arrangements of them in Tribes allow players to do it all the time. This is not a cheat. It is an inherent flaw in the game that really shouldn't be considered a flaw, but rather, merely a circumstance.

2. If you would've kicked someone for shooting through the wall, it would've implied that you kicked them for cheating. Per my first point, you'd have kicked an innocent player (after all, unlike HM, point #1 is inherently part of the game, period.) I would advise you to consider your slaps from crow to be another learning experience.

3. Admins get back draft because they make the wrong decisions. They're uninformed, or assuming, of the nature of the circumstance they're trying rectify. Crow has the logs, and has absolutely every right, as well as the need, to maintain order among server administrators by auditing them. The point is that if the admins did their job, Crow wouldn't have to.

4. Taking the circumstances you mentioned and bringing them to the forum was probably double-edged sword for you, Sapo. On one hand, you have to understand this looks like a giant bitchfest that you're trying to start. Dont become :cbaby:. Please don't be that guy. On the other hand, I personally respect your desire to bring issues to the table for discussion, but please keep in mind there's a fine line between being a :cbaby: , a :trolol: , and an adult trying to bring up legitimate issues.

5. Maybe server administration isn't for you. Considering your personal afflictions with the issues present in the server, have you considered that you might be better off in the back drop? While we appreciate your candid nature and concern for the health of the server and community, it would seem only reasonable to ask yourself if you're really cut out for the job considering your tendency for mistakes with people in the server. The worst thing you can do is take being an admin personally, and especially my post and this point.

We like you. We do trust you. Please understand when you're being a noob, and know that players can in fact shoot through walls. .... for the record, non-necro armors can also shoot through walls and forcefields if they're positioned correctly with respect to the player.

Re: Crow ..

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2015 8:52 pm
by DaRk
I like Sapo as admin. I honestly think he's trying to do what he believes is right. Not everyone knows the mod as well as others (that includes admins). They should be allowed to make mistakes and use them as a learning opportunities for others. Sapo is an honest guy who apologizes when he's wrong. There isn't an admin guide as far as I know. Sapo and I butted heads early on (thought I was HMing), but later apologized for his mistake. There should be room for honest error, but not room for people like bosad. Take it easy :bfrog:.

My son is a fan of the :bfrog:



Re: Crow ..

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2015 9:36 pm
by S_hift
If you were able to shoot through a wall corner or clip a corner and still be able to damage an enemy, I would call that a fundamental FLAW in gameplay mechanics simply because it CAN be fixed and patched out.

I for one am not a big fan of the bullshit tom fuckery that occurs in these instances, and I personally believe that it should be patched out ASAP before the general player base figures out that they can camp on a hill side with titan and fire invisible particle beams through the hill.

I always feel a disturbance in the tao when I kill someone through a base object or a terrain object. I understand that its a technicality based on LOS of the particle beam.

If you were able to do this in ANY other game it would be considered cheating. Unfortunately the particle beam is the only thing that kill defense quickly and efficiently :sarcasm:

If there is anyway to give the player an option NOT to have this occur within their client I will be the first and only person to use the Particle Beam fix. :ugeek:

I have adapted to almost every single change done to annihilation, and I will continue to do so in future edits.

This is what the true elite do and it is the players like us that must make an example for the community. We should be leveling the field to ensure that players have an enjoyable and pure experience in the server.

I mean god forbid that the better players should actually use skill and tenacity to employ base rape tactics. I mean seriously though, whats the worst thing that could happen? Someone uses something other than titan to destroy a base?

Regardless, I will continue to enjoy what the server has to offer because I do love to play there, and I truly love this side of the Tribes 1 community. I like to discuss these matters in a relevant manner to invoke thought and consideration from the general player base.

- S_hift

Ps: dark your baby is absolutely adorable!!!

Re: Crow ..

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2015 11:24 pm
by SapoIV
WiseMan,. what the fuck are you talking about ? You shoulda tell me last night that Mr Donglar wasnt cheating .. oh No you let me burn , you let me get busted. If you care for players , you will do whatever is necessary to help them in any way .. Don't do it by coming in here and calling me a fucking cry baby .. Every Fucking body in here knows that I am a noob, but I love this game .. I got a world of respect for Crow.. Crow is a great man..He is not weak or stingy , because of him we all enjoy this awesome game. I have always enjoyed and gave him my loyalty and have lots of respect for this man .. So Instead of being a "budyfucker"and making stupid comments about me.. you should fucking either help or get the fuck out of the way... You are NOT helping me or anyone by calling me names..
I had shown to be respectful to you since you came around...

Now ..I am going to stop putting comments in here again .. because i guess this forum is for EXPERIENCE-GOD like players like you ...
I dont fucking like the drama .. I am always happy in here . .I like everyone .. this to me is a game . and next time I am about to make an ass of myself. DO NOT let me be .. stop me and tell me .. help me .. I am a guy that when I am wrong i M the first to admitted .

I hope by me been a "child like" do not lost that respect and mutual friendship with Crow.. Crow means a bunch to me.. I don't care what you got to say ..
I don't even know you or care about you .. PERIOD ...

My God .. your kid is beautiful .. It remind me of my son when he was that age.. He is now 4
Thanks for your support guys .. Its awesome to have people like you...


Re: Crow ..

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2015 11:46 pm
by DaJ4ck3L
hmmmm, i just think it would of been smarter to just necro through the wall your self and kill him, instead of using admin to kill him. i know if i took the time to do all that shit, only to get admin killed, i would think, awww man, that's kind of fucked up.

let's just keep it simple guys.

i still love you :bfrog:

yours truly


and to answer shift, yes we should all just spawn in warrior armor, disable invos, and play on a flat open field every map. why everyone have to cry all the time about the littlest things. a lot of people get fun out of doing the shit they do. might as well just let them do it, and learn ways to counter / avoid it.

Re: Crow ..

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2015 10:21 am
by justR
@ Wise

2 things, Sapo does make mistakes [most people do, look @ your sig!], but when he realizes them he does admit to them, the other thing is he is European, and communication wise he doesn't grasp 100% of what is being said and doesn't express himself as easily as you or I could to one another [slight cultural barrier] so that might confuse people as to what he's trying to say sometimes

but yeah none of my business/concern, but no harm no foul if given my 2 cents

separate issue though, but bugs/glitches should be defined as allowed or not too, i.e. people are allowed to shoot through walls (usually by mistake/accident) but what if someone is using it as a tactic often? Still allowed? the closest comparison I can think of is using the dep platform under the terrain and spamming fire, but it's not allowed (which is stupid imo...can be very useful and usually takes some dedication to the strat)

Re: Crow ..

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2015 10:23 am
by justR
also, this
DaJ4ck3L wrote:fuck you and your ideas Shift
trollolol :P

Re: Crow ..

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2015 11:01 am
by S_hift
using the underground glitch should be considered glitching/cheating. As should the going out of the wall in indoor maps. The only exception should be necromancer with ghost pack. Simply because it becomes a ghost and ghosts are allowed to move freely within the physical realm.

shooting through ANYTHING should be considered glitching/cheating.

Using call of duty as a reference there is an exploit known as "head glitching"
This can be done by crouching by jersey barriers and typically weapons with a long barrel can poke out the other end. While you will be able to see the entire enemy, they will only be able to see your head and you will be able to shoot through the barrier even though it should technically be in your way.

Using counterstrike as a reference there is an exploit known as "sky walking"
This allows a player to access parts of a map that they shouldn't otherwise be allowed to be on. Like on the top of the skybox freely shooting down on players.

Re: Crow ..

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2015 11:07 am
by justR
Shift my new smurf name is going to be Tom Fuckery
do u like?