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Pickup Game Week 1 - Sunday 7:30PM EST 4/10/16

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 2:50 pm
by SpydeR.
We will be holding the start of our pickup games on the new BR Competition Server starting this week (sorry for the short notice), and every week following this on different days so different people can partake in the fun;

When: This Sunday 4/10/16
Time: 7:30 PM EASTERN | 6:30 PM CENTRAL | 5:30 PM MOUNTAIN | 4:30 PM PACIFIC
Where: Annihilation Community PW Server
Maps: Stonehedge and Raindance
Captains: Team 1: {LS}The Boloblur Team 2: Lawlz{OZ}
Other Notes: Server will be in Tournament Mode, Team Damage will be ENABLED. Please do not flood Public Chat with non-sense so admins can organize quickly.

Please be on the server or on Trillian a half hour before scheduled time to give admins a little time to organize teams and rules.

- No HM (This is an obvious rule, lets make this fun for all, not just fun for the cheater.)
- No grabbing the flag and running into the sky in angel. If you are capping in angel that's fine, just don't hide the flag in the sky half the map.
- No using exploits such as inventory stations outside the map. The game should be played as it was meant to be played.
- Please keep public chat to a minimum so we can organize easier.
- No trolling opposing players.
- No team changing. (The teams are pre-picked by the captains)
- If the teams become uneven because of a dropped player, an observing player can be switched by a team captain to take that players place but must wait 1 minute game-time incase the dropped player tries to return.
- No arguing after the game. If you have something to say in a negative manner, PM that person on a forum or on Trillian. Do not make it a public matter. We want these games to continue on through the weeks, We do not want them to become a breeding ground for cry-babies and trolls. These games are meant for top notch skilled players.

Re: Pickup Game Week 1 - Sunday 7:30PM EST 4/10/16

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 9:26 pm
by DaJ4ck3L
looks good

Re: Pickup Game Week 1 - Sunday 7:30PM EST 4/10/16

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 1:29 am
by vistalize
i'll be there. what will the pw be?

Re: Pickup Game Week 1 - Sunday 7:30PM EST 4/10/16

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 1:34 am
by Firelord
Cool. I'll try to be there.

Re: Pickup Game Week 1 - Sunday 7:30PM EST 4/10/16

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 5:25 am
Vou ver se consigo aparecer

Re: Pickup Game Week 1 - Sunday 7:30PM EST 4/10/16

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 6:14 am
by The Boloblur
I'll be there.

Re: Pickup Game Week 1 - Sunday 7:30PM EST 4/10/16

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 8:52 am
by Lawlz
I'll be there for the first game or two if we actually start at 7:30 EST and not fuck around. Cya bois @ 7

Re: Pickup Game Week 1 - Sunday 7:30PM EST 4/10/16

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 9:56 am
by DaJ4ck3L
pw oz

Re: Pickup Game Week 1 - Sunday 7:30PM EST 4/10/16

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 10:52 am
by Lawlz
Can we go over some of the rules now just to sort of get them out of the way and use them as a base for future PU's?

Re: Pickup Game Week 1 - Sunday 7:30PM EST 4/10/16

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 11:32 am
by The Boloblur
Really, it's just the same as doing a scrim. I don't think anything changes other than team damage is enabled. Outside of that I don't see much of any reason to discuss any rules. Maybe just have a pop-up before the match starts describing what the rules are, if anyone can think of any.