OZ vs LM Scrimmage Results 1

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Re: OZ vs LM Scrimmage Results 1

Post by AnniDv6 »

Firelord wrote:My only complaint is The Titan hiding in the air in angel with the flag the whole game. It's one thing to do that during a pub, but it's kinda lame for a scrim. We ended up luring you into coming down by purposefully dropping the flag.
This is something I've been meaning to address with the mod. I've had several people PM me annoyed with this happening in pubs. A forced flag drop after a few minutes of holding the flag would probably be simple enough. If you're inside or by the ground you could easily pick it back up, but if you're way up in angel or bouncing across the map borders it could be an easy return for the other team.
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Re: OZ vs LM Scrimmage Results 1

Post by Firelord »

Death666 wrote:
Firelord wrote:My only complaint is The Titan hiding in the air in angel with the flag the whole game. It's one thing to do that during a pub, but it's kinda lame for a scrim. We ended up luring you into coming down by purposefully dropping the flag.
This is something I've been meaning to address with the mod. I've had several people PM me annoyed with this happening in pubs. A forced flag drop after a few minutes of holding the flag would probably be simple enough. If you're inside or by the ground you could easily pick it back up, but if you're way up in angel or bouncing across the map borders it could be an easy return for the other team.
My worry with this is if you were evading some enemies at the time and it drops. If it was limited to happening while you're in angel then it probably wouldn't be an issue though.
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Re: OZ vs LM Scrimmage Results 1

Post by DaRk »

Or make them lose energy from overload for a few seconds. Or make a gun for angel that makes the target drop the flag, like UR had.
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Re: OZ vs LM Scrimmage Results 1

Post by Sinister »

Or make flags auto return after like 5 minutes of stand off.
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Re: OZ vs LM Scrimmage Results 1

Post by Erowid »

What if we just imposed a height limit on the flag carrier?

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Re: OZ vs LM Scrimmage Results 1

Post by Lawlz »

Erowid wrote:What if we just imposed a height limit on the flag carrier?
Wouldn't that be bad on some maps where you're essentially at a ridiculous height already? :s

If anything just don't allow Angels to hold the flag. Problem pretty much solved. Cause let's be real, no one is picking up the flag off the enemy stand in Angel armor unless the other team is horribly retarded.
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Re: OZ vs LM Scrimmage Results 1

Post by {LS}RePublic »

Making it easier to cap with 2 people who must combine into an autobot in order to carry it might solve the issue. Not even its final form, lasers and everything can be added with a 3rd player. Itl be controlled like QWOP for each individual who joins into this mega structure monstrosity. The chaos ensues once the megabot is destroyed with flags falling in all directions, giving everyone the chance to own a flag as a bonus.

Auto droid flag carriers could be added later...
+ Droid swarms should be a thing.
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Re: OZ vs LM Scrimmage Results 1

Post by DaJ4ck3L »

i thought there was suppose to be a height limit. hmmmmm, ill have to look.
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Re: OZ vs LM Scrimmage Results 1

Post by perrinoia »

Ok, lemme address a number of things here...

1) The Titan was not wearing Rogue Angel armor. He was wearing Warrior (spawn), and bouncing off of the map boundaries.
2) He wasn't that high... Only about twice the height of the airbase... I'm surprised nobody tried to snipe him down.
3) Imposing height restrictions on flags is a horrible idea, due to the fact that some maps are different heights than others.
4) There's a difference between someone hiding with a flag, and someone running with a flag... AFK flag drop scripts would need to know this difference... I believe bouncing off borders as The Titan did is in the gray area between hiding and running, so how would you script that?

A better method of returning the flag, would be exactly what OZ did.
1) Rape enemy base so they have no flag D.
2) Return THEIR flag, tricking The Titan into trying to cap.
3) Wait and ambush.

If you've got a huge lead, as OZ did, you could even let him cap, because who gives a fuck if the final score is 0-8 or 1-8 other than DX?

Also, Republics qwop bot flag fountain is a horrible idea... But I kinda want to see it... :trolol:
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Re: OZ vs LM Scrimmage Results 1

Post by Lawlz »

perrinoia wrote:Ok, lemme address a number of things here...

1) The Titan was not wearing Rogue Angel armor. He was wearing Warrior (spawn), and bouncing off of the map boundaries.
If this is the case, you derps should have just OSed the fuck out of him. Warrior bouncing back in forth seems pretty legit to me; I do it all the time o/
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