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bindCommand(mouse0, zaxis0, TO, "nextWeapon();");
bindCommand(mouse0, zaxis1, TO, "prevWeapon();");
$pref::playerfov = "103";
$pref::skyDetail = "0.000000";
$net::InterpolateTime = "72";
autoload.cs is an autoloader script that loads .acs.cs scripts.
autoswitch.cs is a script that switches to the sniper rifle in any mod
masterservers.cs is a script that query's multiple master servers and establishes the best one to connect through.
fpshud.cs is a simple frame rate hud I usually get about 70 frames per second on an old windows xp pentium 4
dropper.cs is big bunnies dropper script.
autochange.cs is actually a nifty little script that removes center print admin messages. Usually if you have admin in br you can type "!!admin message here" into the chat box. and it will display it as a center print. A very noticable annoying black bar with words inside of it will pop up on everyones screen. This also protects me from potential admin crashing by removing certain pictures that crash software users.
Ski.cs is a ski script developed by "Liquid" I use 0.06 "move up" on my ski script
5150.cs is a chat script. I switched out the 7,8 keys with n,y keys "yes, no" and the incoming enemies keys based on 'w' for north 's' for south ect.
superhealth.cs is a script that automatically uses health kits when you pick them up. Not to be confused with repair kits that are in the inventory on most players. this script is used mostly during deathmatch or playing deathmatch in base.
11faves.cs is Plasmatics favorites script. Instead of the defualt 5 it gives me 11 favorites to choose from.
bindCommand(mouse0, zaxis0, TO, "nextWeapon();");
bindCommand(mouse0, zaxis1, TO, "prevWeapon();"); <--these are mouse wheel scroll command lines. They'll only work if you use the hudbot mem.dll or Tribes version 1.40. If you don't use the mem.dll it only works for "nextweapon" and you can't go backwards in weapon rotation.
$pref::playerfov = "103"; <- I usually keep it like this to enhance my mouse sensitivity slightly.
$pref::skyDetail = "0.000000";<-- this gives me a slight fps boost, so i keep the sky detail off.
$net::InterpolateTime = "72"; <-- I get a lot of gitter on a low end machine. This smoothers out the flight of targets.
file::delete("config\\gameserverlist.cs");<-- These commands protect me from the master list exploit released by Dr.Arsenic. I forget which one actually works, but this keeps people from crashing and hacking your tribes. Something most people don't know. Tribes was capable of opening a internet explorer window if the server you were connecting to was using the exploit.