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Railgun Speargun hybrid?

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 1:04 pm
by S_hift
so heres the code for the speargun from reality bites. Potentially you could turn the Railgun into the Speargun.

Code: Select all

ItemData GasserAmmo
	description = "Spears";
	className = "Ammo";
	shapeFile = "mortarammo";
	heading = "xAmmunition";
	shadowDetailMask = 4;
	price = 1;

ItemImageData GasserImage
	shapeFile = "grenadeL";
	mountPoint = 0;

	weaponType = 0; // Single Shot
	projectileType = GasserGrenade;
	ammoType = GasserAmmo;
	accuFire = True;
	reloadTime = 0.25;
	fireTime = 1.25;
	lightType = 3; // Weapon Fire
	lightRadius = 5;
	lightTime = 2;
	lightColor = { 0, 0, 1 };

	sfxFire = debrisMediumExplosion;
	sfxActivate = SoundPickUpWeapon;
	sfxReload = SoundMortarReload;

ItemData Gasser
	description = "Speargun";
	className = "PriWeapon";
	shapeFile = "grenadeL";
	hudIcon = "plasma";
	heading = "bPrimary Weapons";
	shadowDetailMask = 4;
	imageType = GasserImage;
	price = 250;
	showWeaponBar = true;

function Gasser::onUse(%player,%item)
	%clientId = Player::getClient(%player);
		bottomprint(Player::getClient(%player), "<jc><f2>\nSpeargun - fires Slow, but lethal spears. <f1> Identical in fire speed to the classic disc launcher.\n", 5);

ItemImageData GasserScopeImage
	shapeFile  = "discammo";
	mountPoint = 0;
	mountRotation = { 1.5, 0, 0 };
	weaponType = 0; // Single Shot
	mountOffset = { -0.0, 0.0, -0.1 };

	ammoType = GasserAmmo;
	reloadTime = 0.1;
	fireTime = 0.1;

	projectileType = DEBullet;
	accuFire = false;

	sfxFire = turretexplosion;
	sfxActivate = SoundPickUpWeapon;

ItemData GasserScope
	heading = "cSecondary Weapons";
	description = "GasserScope";
	className = "Weapon";
	shapeFile  = "force";
	hudIcon = "blaster";
	shadowDetailMask = 4;
	imageType = GasserScopeImage;
	price = 50;
	showWeaponBar = true;

ItemImageData GasserClipImage
	shapeFile  = "grenadel";
	mountPoint = 0;
	mountRotation = {3.1, 0, 0 };
	weaponType = 0; // Single Shot
	mountOffset = { -0.0, -0.0, 0.0 };

	ammoType = EagleAmmo;
	reloadTime = 0.1;
	fireTime = 0.1;

	projectileType = DEBullet;
	accuFire = false;

	sfxFire = turretexplosion;
	sfxActivate = SoundPickUpWeapon;

ItemData GasserClip
	heading = "cSecondary Weapons";
	description = "GasserClip";
	className = "Weapon";
	shapeFile  = "grenadel";
	hudIcon = "blaster";
	shadowDetailMask = 4;
	imageType = GasserClipImage;
	price = 50;
	showWeaponBar = true;

function Gasser::onMount(%player,%item)
function Gasser::onUnMount(%player,%item)

SeekingMissileData TossedSpear
	bulletShapeName = "tracer.dts";
	explosionTag = SpearExp;
	collisionRadius = 0.0;
	mass = 2.0;
	damageClass = 0;
	damageValue = 2;
	damageType = $BulletDmgType36;
	explosionRadius = 0.5;
	kickBackStrength = 1.0;
	muzzleVelocity = 40.0;
	totalTime = 20.0;
	liveTime = 21.0;
	lightRange = 5.0;
	lightColor = { 1.0, 0.7, 0.5 };
	inheritedVelocityScale = 0.5;
	seekingTurningRadius = 55.0;
	nonSeekingTurningRadius = 50.0;
	proximityDist = 1.5;
	lightRange = 5.0;
	lightColor = { 0.4, 0.4, 1.0 };
	trailType = 2;
	trailString = "plasmatrail.dts";
	smokeDist = 2.5;
	inheritedVelocityScale = 0.5;
	soundId = SoundJetHeavy;

function TossedSpear::onAdd(%this)
    %this.isAlive = true;
    schedule("trackTossed(" @ %this @ ");", 0.1);

function TossedSpear::onremove(%this)
    %this.isAlive = false;

function trackTossed(%this)
    if(%this.isAlive == true)
       if($spearPos[%this] == gamebase::getposition(%this))
        %this.isAlive = false;

					%camera = newObject("Spear","StaticShape",StuckSpear,true);
					addToSet("MissionCleanup", %camera);
					%myrot = $spearRot[%this];
                    %mypos = $spearPos[%this];

					GameBase::setRotation(%camera, %myrot);

     				schedule("GameBase::setposition(" @ %camera @ ",'0 0 -1000');", 360);
                    schedule("removeSpear(" @ %camera @ ");",300);
       $spearPos[%this] = gamebase::getposition(%this);
       $spearRot[%this] = gamebase::getrotation(%this);
       schedule("trackTossed(" @ %this @ ");", 0.1);

RocketData MiniSpearProj
   bulletShapeName = "tracer.dts";
   explosionTag    = SpearExp;

   collisionRadius = 0.0;
   mass            = 2.0;

   damageClass      = 0;       // 0 impact, 1, radius
   damageValue      = 0.5;
   damageType       = $BulletDmgType36;

	//type 35 = lance

   explosionRadius  = 2.1;
   kickBackStrength = 10.0;

   muzzleVelocity   = 65.0;
   terminalVelocity = 80.0;
   acceleration     = 5.0;

   totalTime        = 6.5;
   liveTime         = 8.0;

   lightRange       = 5.0;
   lightColor       = { 0.4, 0.4, 1.0 };

   inheritedVelocityScale = 0.5;

   // rocket specific
   trailType   = 2;                // smoke trail
   trailString = "breath.dts";
   smokeDist   = 0.5;

   soundId = SoundJetHeavy;

function removeSpear(%this)
 if(%this.isSpear == true)

Re: Railgun Speargun hybrid?

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 1:08 pm
by S_hift
This weapon would basically staple people to the wall or ground after you kill them.

You can also quickly retrieve the bolt and place it back into your inventory.

I believe you could only reuse a bolt once. Not sure. You could also pick up enemy bolts and use their kills against them.

Re: Railgun Speargun hybrid?

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 2:37 pm
by DaJ4ck3L
how did u get rb? thought mod was unreleased.

Re: Railgun Speargun hybrid?

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 5:10 pm
by Fixious
Eh, idk. I usually use the rail gun from quite a distance, so retrieving the spears would be a hassle. I'd rather see the speargun itself brought into Anni, either as a necro weapon or possibly cham.

Re: Railgun Speargun hybrid?

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 8:46 pm
by S_hift
Fixious wrote:Eh, idk. I usually use the rail gun from quite a distance, so retrieving the spears would be a hassle. I'd rather see the speargun itself brought into Anni, either as a necro weapon or possibly cham.

no, thats gay. you don't really even play annihilation.

retrieving the spears is just the perks of winning a close quarters fight.
The real point is this script has the potential to add unique physics system to the weapons, like railgun.

@crow. I'm not going to lie to you. So lets keep it as that. Here is the speargun code, use it to make the railgun cooler maybe make a crossbow type weapon out of it for a sticks and stones arena mode.

sticks and stones arena mode
- crossbow takes out 3/4 damage of a player
- thumper (assuming mid airs would be possible)

Re: Railgun Speargun hybrid?

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 11:58 pm
by DaJ4ck3L
ive midaired with the thumper before. pretty sure i added a code so that u can at some point.

and fix plays anni all the time. shift, stop being a douche to everyone.

also, yea i add spear gun to anni. it was already on my todo list. i also have a copy of rb.

Re: Railgun Speargun hybrid?

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2014 12:16 am
by S_hift
you going to nerf the max damage? Its an insta kill gun that leads like a disc launcher

and yeah i don't mean to be douchy but cham or necro with a spear gun? thats kinda retarded. this is something that belongs in arena or something to add rag doll physics to certain weapons.

this weapon alone holds the key scripting to weapon physics/tribes physics.

Re: Railgun Speargun hybrid?

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2014 12:21 am
by DaJ4ck3L
yes shift, im going to take into account balance for the mod. it prob wont be a one hit killer.

Re: Railgun Speargun hybrid?

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2014 1:03 am
by S_hift
but yeah this code can do so much in the right hands.

- make depoyable packs boostable items. Like a station could be thrown to a hard to reach place.
- maybe an ability to defuse tossed ammo and throw back at the person who threw it at you.
- defusing mines with the pfork?

you could make a gun that shoots and deploys a turret

maybe even add the effect to all of the guns for a rag doll effect for certain weapons

maybe i'll post the sword so you can make the knife for assassin.

Re: Railgun Speargun hybrid?

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2014 4:27 am
by DaJ4ck3L
might use some of them ideas.