Invisibility Poll

Replace Invisibility Spells

Chameleon beacons activate camouflage, Necromancer beacons activate Astral Projection, delete Chameleon Pack, Ghost Pack, and Phase Shifter.
No votes
Keep invisibility spells and packs as they are.
Chameleon beacons activate camouflage, Necromancer beacons activate Astral Projection, delete Chameleon Pack, Ghost Pack, but keep Phase Shifter.
I prefer another option, which I will post in reply.
Total votes: 13

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Re: Invisibility Poll

Post by Firelord »

Leave the phase shifter and ghost pack alone! Necro is just fine right now and doesn't need any fixing. As a software user, I can definitely see how invisibility is unfair though as it doesn't affect me at all. That is a matter of the beacons though and there is no need to get rid of necro packs. Just find some novel change for the beacons. Do all you want to chem though, it's a shitty armor anyways. Its only real use is when their is a flag stalemate and the guy is hiding inside the base somewhere.
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Re: Invisibility Poll

Post by DaRk »

I agreed with your opinion on necro Firelord. However, you forget the best use for cham; to troll Runtime. It's not a bad armor to base-rape with as long as you have a decent teamate on D and some decent O players. Without those, its basically pointless.
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Re: Invisibility Poll

Post by Firelord »

Good point about Runtime trolling. That's a lot of our past times at this point and should be considered when making any changes to the mod. If anyone has set proper inside D, it is resistant to explosive damage so chem is useless against it. If it's outside or entrance D, like the classic platform+jump pad over lasers, other armors are much more effective. I think a lot of noobs get a kick out of chem though so I'd like to see it stay the same.
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Re: Invisibility Poll

Post by perrinoia »

Y'all ain't see'n my vision...

Let's talk Chameleon, first...
If the beacons do the same thing as the pack, there's no need for the pack... More importantly... There's room for more packs...
You can fly farther, with energy pack... Repair yourself, or other stuff, with repair pack... Carry more ammo, with ammo pack... Be even sneakier, with sensor jammer pack... Take more damage, with shield pack... Even carry deployables, while sneaking through the enemy base!

While I don't see a point to keeping the Chameleon Pack, I do understand the differences between Ghost Pack, Phase Shifter, and Astral Projection... While Astral Projection was conjured from the idea of combining Ghost Pack and Phase Shifter, it simply is not the same as either... So I can understand why you might prefer them, even if it does hurt my feelings, as the creator of Astral Projection.
However, I don't think it's a good idea to have Astral Projection at the same time as ghost pack or phase shifter.

Maybe Astral Projection should be another pack, so you can't use it at the same time as the others... But I AM sure that invisibility spell has got to go...

We need more suggestions... More ideas... Are you voting to keep invisibility spell because you don't like the new ideas, or because you really like the invisibility spell? Does it not matter to you, that it doesn't work against half of the players, and works too well against the other half?
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Re: Invisibility Poll

Post by DaRk »

I'm at a loss. To most players its rather effective to be invisible/makes you harder to hit even if detected, and turrents don't detect you without a motion sensor. Then again, its a false sense of security if you run into someone running software and/or using HM. I say give the new idea of cham beacon a shot. I might like it better since it will not be a drain on my energy when trying to recover the flag from a turtle embedded in the base. Change it for a few weeks and look at feedback. I think your ideas with the added ability to take advantage of other packs has promise. Though I think those players like Mr Fixit, who, and a few others depend on invisibility.
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Re: Invisibility Poll

Post by vistalize »

The fumbling of the flag is a terrible idea and should never be implemented into this game. I like the fact that Death took that away from the Necro because that shit is annoying. As far as the invisibility goes... No we should not remove it. It puts a nice little twist into the game and makes it a little more challenging. Plus with the strength of defensive turrets boosted by almost 30% with the new turrets and new options invisibility has to be a must have for offensive guys trying to dismantle d or even cap the flag. You remove these ablities and the defense will be way too over powered. For noobs that dont know how to kill invisibiles all you do is zoom in on the location of the invisible and a red arrow should appear. That is when you cap them in the face.

The portable generators should be implemented back in. My 2 cents

Maybe a good way to handle this situation would be to make something that can better detect invisibility. Whether it be a pack that someone wears or a sensor that is deployed on the ground (I think the Cat is broken). I'm not sure what the best way of going about this would be though
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Re: Invisibility Poll

Post by perrinoia »

Yeah, flag fumbling was a bad idea....

We already have a better way to detect invisibility... It's called software rendering, and everyone seems to be using it except me.
In fact, I'm curious if there is a correlation between who wants to keep invisibility and who uses software mode.
How exactly do you propose I "zoom in on the location of the invisible" if I'm running OpenGL and have no clue who is shooting me, or from where? I'd have to use HM or Software mode to follow your instruction.

Due to motion sensors, invisibility rarely helps against turrets. Most people know to put motion sensors near their turrets, or even use turrets that have motion sensing capabilities, such as shock turrets.

When I can't get past turrets in Titan, I either use ghost pack, pitchfork, or chameleon pack, and I use them all differently...
I use ghost pack to walk through walls, let lasers shoot through me, snag the flag and disappear through another wall...
If that doesn't work, I grab my trusty pitchfork and start dismantling defenses...
If that doesn't work, I sneak past the turrets with chameleon pack and jail the player who prevented me from dismantling the defenses.

I do use invisibility spell in addition to chameleon and ghost pack, but I'm just as effective at sneaking around after I've run out of beacons, because if I've survived long enough to run out of beacons, it typically means there's no software or HM players, or motion sensors, anyway.

As you probably know, portable generators were removed rather than fixing them, because they were buggy.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again... I'd rather see them get fixed, and I'd like all turrets and stations to require power, including the deployable ones.

In the mean time, deployable stations that don't require power are not the worst idea I've ever heard.

Also, Rogue Angel has a pack that is supposed to help them see invisible players, but I can't tell if it's not effective at all, or it's so effective, I might as well have software mode on... I expect to see more red triangles than players, when I turn it on, but I don't.
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Re: Invisibility Poll

Post by AnniDv6 »

I wonder if it's possible to force invisibility to constantly be in the state between invisible and visible. Or we could add trails on the sniper rifle similar to the particle beam fade so even if someone is invisible you would have a general idea of where they are shooting you from. The problem with packs like the Angel true sight pack is that it's so situational it's basically useless. I assume nobody wants to replace carrying a better pack or beacon just to be able to see invisible players.
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Re: Invisibility Poll

Post by perrinoia »

I wouldn't mind replacing true sight pack with something that works, but I still want to replace invisibility spells.
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Re: Invisibility Poll

Post by perrinoia »

There are 3 types of sensors; cameras, pulse sensors, and motion sensors.
Invisibility spell makes you invisible to 2 out of the 3 types; cameras and pulse sensors.
All players have integrated, directional camera sensors, so if an enemy looks in your direction while you are visible, turrets will target you, whether you are moving or not.

When you activate your beacon, you will be undetected by anything but motion sensors and players rendering in software mode.
If you come across a motion sensor, such as an indoor turret, you can teleport past it with phase shifter, or let it shoot right through you with ghost pack, or trick it into thinking you are friendly with chameleon pack.

By adding a trail to invisible players, you aren't making them completely visible like they are to players rendering in software mode, but you are giving OpenGL and Glide players a clue as to where the sneaky snakes are.
This doesn't effect turrets (which I believe is your intent), however, that is quite the opposite of my intent.

Chameleon Pack, Ghost Pack, and Phase Shifter all allow you to sneak past almost anything undetected. What I'm suggesting is that we remove the word "almost" from that sentence, so all 3 packs are able to sneak past anything undetected. In other words, add sensor suppression and invisibility to ghost pack, so flame turrets don't target you. Then replace the obsolete invisibility spells with something awesome, that can't be negated by a client side setting.

I'm not saying that your solution is not A solution... I'm just saying that it's not THE solution that I want. But who cares what I want? I haven't played in months.
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