Anti-aircraft turret

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Anti-aircraft turret

Post by Azul »

Is this possible? Having a turret that only shoots at vehicles? The rocket turrets and neurobashers just don't cut it and are too slow. Yes, I realize its possible to shoot them out of the air with an OS launcher or pbeam but many of the not as skilled players have trouble with vehicle spam, weather its bombing or the rapid fire ion cannon.

I was thinking only one allowed per team, with a chaingun weapon or rapid fire rocket weapon, or just make it the fusion turret that nobody uses anyway, and it only fires at vehicles and not flying players. It gets a boost in range with a nearby pulse sensor but still shoots in its range without one.
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Re: Anti-aircraft turret

Post by Firelord »

I like this idea a lot. I'm pretty good at Tribes and shooting down an interceptor can be difficult for me since they sorta glitch around. I've seen newer or low skill players try and it seems near impossible for them. It's definitely not a balanced part of the game and it would be nice to see an accessible way to fight them.
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Re: Anti-aircraft turret

Post by S']['U »

Azul wrote:Is this possible? Having a turret that only shoots at vehicles?
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Re: Anti-aircraft turret

Post by Azul »

S']['U wrote:
Azul wrote:Is this possible? Having a turret that only shoots at vehicles?


I'm sure you'll be fine

Maybe include something where it gives a warning to the pilot that "An AA gun is locked on your vehicle, eject now!" and after a few seconds the turret starts shooting homing missles/bullets/lasers
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Re: Anti-aircraft turret

Post by Azul »

And if this is included, I will support vehicle buffs to balance it out. Right now vehicles are overpowered. Like a kamikaze vehicle that acts like a Det pack or two when you run it into something.
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Re: Anti-aircraft turret

Post by perrinoia »

I just think we need to slow the fucking vehicles down.
They accelerate and drop so quickly, they're actually difficult to fly without ramming shit, unintentionally...

Then you put a good pilot behind the yoke, like stu, and no one is safe.

Stay off the sidewalks, kids! Old people are driving!

Seriously though, I'm not saying they should be as slow as base vehicles, or even regular annihilation vehicles, but can we meet half way?
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Re: Anti-aircraft turret

Post by AnniDv6 »

I actually looked into this a few weeks back and tested the Missile Turrets only targeting vehicles, but it only worked some of the time and would otherwise not shoot at anything. Hopefully Ghost can get it working better. The idea was to make the missiles from the turrets track vehicles for much longer before detonating and also increase the fire rate and turning speed of the turret. The speed of the missiles might need to be increased as well. I would like to find a balance between vehicles being able to outrun missiles, but not being able to easily shake them and remain above the enemy base when there are deployed Missile Turrets.

Basically you should be able to deny vehicles the air space above your base with the Missile Turrets and currently this doesn't work. Keep in mind that base Missile Turrets would be unaffected by this, we would be changing only the deployed Missile Turrets to attack only vehicles.

The next step would be to slow down the vehicles and work on making dog fights much more fun and also add secondary weapons to vehicles. The Fighter could have a Chaingun on slot 2 and the Interceptor could have Stinger missiles on slot 2. The Bomber could also have a forward shooting weapon on slot 2 and the Transport could have weapons that automatically replace the passengers weapons. So any armor type that got into a Transport could have a Repair Gun and some heavy weapons like the Mortar and Tank Rockets. Considering how easy it is for Heavies to travel the map in Annihilation I think the Transport should move more toward being a gunship.
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Re: Anti-aircraft turret

Post by perrinoia »

In order for vehicles to make good gunships, they have to move very slow, and maneuver even slower, otherwise your gunners can't hit the broad side of a broadside base.
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Re: Anti-aircraft turret

Post by AnniDv6 »

What are some mods that have multiple weapons on their vehicles?
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Re: Anti-aircraft turret

Post by perrinoia »

I dunno any, but it shouldn't be too difficult to modify function remoteThrowItem(%client,%type,%strength) so it checks if the client is a pilot and lobs bombs. That would be the easiest way to give vehicles multiple weapons.
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