It appears that the IP address of the server changed slightly on Wednesday and this is likely what's causing some people to have problems finding the server. You can manually add the server back by going into your Tribes -> Config folder and opening the text file GameServerList and then pasting this in.
Well, no matter what I do, nothing works for Warpig, I can get in game, rather fitfully, but he cant, Why cant there be an easy fix to this ongoing problem that occurrs every day now for us?
Well i guess thats it for warpig & me, cuz I cant get the servers to show up now again and I have tried everything humanly possible to get them to show up.
I took Net Admin Classes back when wireless just was taking off, i got to my core classes which were 4, but the math required by the college I just could not do. For what its worth, its been good, but i cant keep fighting for 2 hours every night to get into a game just to play it anymore.
Death666 wrote:It appears that the IP address of the server changed slightly on Wednesday and this is likely what's causing some people to have problems finding the server. You can manually add the server back by going into your Tribes -> Config folder and opening the text file GameServerList and then pasting this in.
You'll see a listing of all of the servers. Just add this one right after any other servers entrance which will end with "false");
Also, if you still can't find or connect, due to the changing the IP address, you might have to give your firewall permission in order to get to the new address now, or your firewall will block the connection.
It seems just about everyone had their server list die last night. I see that a lot of people are back in now, though. Mine was gone this morning as well. I had to restart tribes and go straight to options and network and re-highlight the master I use before going into the server menu to let it queue the servers.
Rink if you and warpig are still having trouble let us know and we will get you back in the server one way or another. Keep it in this topic from now on. There's no need to post in five threads about the same thing.
See if you and warpig can connect manually with this command for now.
Open tribes and go to the server listing and copy and past this into the console (press the tidle key above the Tab key to open the console.