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Where's the Tribes1 Servers at?

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 12:55 am
by Rink
At this timeframe of 11:54pm, on July 27th, 2015 i am unable to find a server anywhere.

Where is the servers and how do i find them? No sarcasm, plz, I would like to play please.

Re: Where's the Tribes1 Servers at?

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 1:41 am
by assasin

Re: Where's the Tribes1 Servers at?

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 2:08 am
by Rink
Sorry Absolutely NOTHING there works for me, NONE of them work, none of them pull up the servers and yes I had them highlighted to see if they would pull up a server.

NOTHING works, i cannot get a master server to come up, only get 4 servers and nobody is in them and nothing is going on, no real servers like before.

Re: Where's the Tribes1 Servers at?

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 6:26 am
by SGT ROCK ... 4&start=10

Did you see this on pg. 2 of that thread?

Do that and hit "refresh all" bottom of the server list after....

Re: Where's the Tribes1 Servers at?

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 2:37 am
by Rink
AGAIN I cannot get the Master Servers up once more, Again I'm faced with fighting all night trying to get the servers to come up. Why is this becoming a nightly problem for me?

Re: Where's the Tribes1 Servers at?

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 2:52 am
by Rink
Yanno I go in finally after doing that whatever fix thing and NOBODY wants to help me get Warpig to get the master servers to show up.

Is this going to be a Nightly occurrence? To fight and fight and fight to get the master servers to show up every night? If so its not worth it.

Re: Where's the Tribes1 Servers at?

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 2:57 am
by Rink
I go in and ask for help and am told to 'go figgure it out'

Re: Where's the Tribes1 Servers at?

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 6:44 am
by Rink
All the things I've tried, none of them work for warpig, and very few work for me, its fitful at best for me to connect to the servers

Bugz master server ip wont work for me. these are the things I've tried tonight and more:


I've done this by S_hift:

%t=newObject(x,FearGuiFormattedText);if($badwords != "")addExportText("$badwords = \""@$badwords@"\";");addExportText("File::delete(\"config\\GameServerList.cs\");deleteObject(nameToID(\"x\"));");exportObjectToScript(x,"config\\badwords.cs");deleteObject(%t);$Server::CurrentMaster = "0";$Server::MasterAddressN0 = "";

I have done what Assassin says to do which is open console and put in this:


I have tried this as well by Killroy:

Go to your "OPTIONS" tab in Tribes. In the left hand column select "NETWORK". Look for a listing of "Main Tribes Servers" you have listed and change it to another one until you get the full listing back. I use Tribes Master:

or I use my buddies bugs_'s master:

or you can try:

Kigen's Master:


Plasmatic's Master:


US Tribes Master: t1

Just make sure you have one of these selected. They will be listed in "YELLOW". When you click on it, it will then show as "WHITE" and you done. Go back to your listing and refresh to see if they all show up.

NONE of these work for me or warpig

I have tried this by Death666, also wont work:

It appears that the IP address of the server changed slightly on Wednesday and this is likely what's causing some people to have problems finding the server. You can manually add the server back by going into your Tribes -> Config folder and opening the text file GameServerList and then pasting this in.

addGameServer("IP:","Brazil Br Annihilation Servidor <!> ReV| & {OZ} Clans","1.0","62","false","Annihilation","scarabrae CTF","CTF","0","false");

I have also tried the link that SGT Rock provided:

I went ahead and updated mine... might as well share it... ... 5.12:28001

Also wont work.

I tried to Install Tribes1 1.40 on warpigs PC and THAT wont work either.

I dont know what to do anymore. someone needs to pin to the TOP of these forums, the major part of the forums the correct fix for this problem because i wasted 4 plus hours last night and hours the night before fighting tooth and nail to get the Master Servers to show up for warpig and I, its to the point to where I'm about to give up and quit gaming, its THAT frustrating for me to deal with.

I dont need my BP to shoot into the stratosphere over a game.

Forgot to add, I've tried everything in the Tribalwar forums as well:

None of these work either

Re: Where's the Tribes1 Servers at?

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 8:09 am
by DaJ4ck3L
have you tried downloading a new tribes config to see if that works?

not sure why you would be having problems after still trying all these fixes.

try to download this and see if it works^

Re: Where's the Tribes1 Servers at?

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 8:38 am
by DaJ4ck3L
DaJ4ck3L wrote:

try to download this and see if it works^
just tested this link, and i can confirm it did work for me. let us know if it works for you.