How is flag drop handled when using Necro and ghost pack? Is it random? I played a game yesterday on QuadControl and I swear it felt like it was bumped up to like 80%. Was very weird and a bit frustrating, but we won so whatev.
Ghost pack has some really silly mechanics. Sometimes I will spend fifteen minutes clearing flag defense or getting the perfect route with ghost pack only to instantly drop the flag due to something I have no control over.
You also have to deal with an insane kickback amount while ghosting so if any type of explosion happens near you, friendly or not, you will go flying. This is useful for propelling yourself with the disarm spell, but also really annoying at times because no other armor has that high of a kickback and you'll get pushes 1000 meters away by a friendly nuke or rocket.
Lastly you're as heavy as a rock when you have the ghost pack, but don't have it enabled. You have really bad air control and upwards thrust and the only real way to deal with this is to either use a vehicle a jump pad or enable ghost and kill yourself before you even get to where you want to go.
You do slowly heal over time with the ghost pack and this used to be done inside the safety of a wall. People would abuse this and sit inside walls spamming the flame spell so now you're also slowly damaged while inside walls as well even if the ghost pack is off. Sometimes your feet with still be clipping into the floor and you'll die as well.
Overall it's still extremely fun to ghost and you can make some insanely stupid fun routes, but all of the above things lead to the average player not touching the ghost pack and you end up with one or two people that ever really use it to its full potential if at all.
i think theres a value lesson to be learned about the ghost pack. it makes you heavy as a rock but lighter than a feather.
the necromancer is a weird armor, but the ghost pack is actually a second armor in a pack. You become a ghost. wouldn't you say it'd be rather unbalanced not to have it that heavy?
It's a special armor which does require a lot of skill to use, but the drop percent is just squirrely. I think my favorite thing about the armor is I think its more of a "hacker" class. Like some of the bugs are just wayyy too peculiar to be coding mistakes.
just random idea and putting this out there. maybe change the class to hacker. It would explain why its so heavy with all the "gear" it has to carry. change the ghost pack to a tech pannel shape. WALA. maybe give it the ability to hack enemy turrets and claim them for the team.
Can we hack the panels to display custom text, too? :p
I sorta agree that having a few oddities might be for the better, though I would like to see a tad more jet thrust. Necro jets are comparable to Ascend's, honestly. Can't really fight gravity at all. If you fall off a ledge, gg.