[Shoutcast] PICK UP'S LIVE!!!!

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Re: [Shoutcast] PICK UP'S LIVE!!!!

Post by DXSTRYR »

perrinoia wrote:Our desire to ban you had nothing to do with your ability to win scrimmages. It had everything to do with your mouth. You are one annoying cunt. That's probably why your wife left you.
Marriage is not my thing, that's for nothing special guys like you who want to lock down a desperate peice of pussy, cause you cant get laid.
perrinoia wrote: We agreed to scrim S1 on the terms that YOU wouldn't be there, because you are annoying as fuck, but you smurfed anyway.
Thanks for confirming I am better then you, or anyone in your clan by stating you only agree'd to scrim (S1) on the grounds i wouldn't be there and you still lost.
perrinoia wrote: You had some happy modding cunt with a particle beam
This was prior to the (S1)s break up and the formation of OZ. I don't remember exactly who it was, but it was most likely Wicked. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vIy-MF96G1U I honestly believed Wicked when he lied to me for almost a year, claiming he did not HM or cheat in any way. After all, at the time everyone accused me of cheating as well and I have never even used a ski script. The only mod I ever used in T1 Was "lush Terrains" but the reason (S1) broke up in the first place was because of Wicked's lies. When he slipped up in idle chatter and said he used HM it robbed all of (S1) of its honor. I believe I have apologized because of this in the past to certain clans. However sniping does not win scrims, from what I remember of the battle report, you still got beat terribly it was honestly no contest and you put up little to no real challenge and we only had OSIRIS capping and she was an ex GF who barely played Tribes and when she did she played that god awful Ultra Ren.
perrinoia wrote: Then there was you, raping my base and trying to get my flag. You sucked so bad, despite the fact that it was you vs my newest noob, you were still pushing a stalemate until your defense setter finished and joined in the fun.
I wasn't there, in fact I don't recall even knowing about the scrim till after it was over.
If I had known, I certainly would have had someone observe and recorded it like I have done with almost every other scrim (S1) ever played.
You stating that one of us sucked so bad is just your perception, or maybe a means to try and save some embarrassment.
I have always instructed my players to mercilessly slaughter and humiliate their opponents. The "stalemate, then offense" you referred to was just my people humiliating you and yours like a cat playing with a mouse.
(S1) was competitive but none of you could compare to me and I wielded (S1), like a sword to destroy you all, through hubris.
perrinoia wrote: Then I let you cap out the mission so it would end, and denied the rematches because you couldn't keep your fucking mouth shut and started with your unsportsmanlike conduct, letting me know who you truly were. There was no point in a 2v3 rematch anyway, so my teammate and I disconnected.
What is best in life?
To crush your enemies.
To see them driven before you.
To hear the lamentation of their women.
(S1) got all 3 out of you and Df that day and we are still getting the lamentation of their women today Keep crying Plebbin it is music to my ears to know that after a decade Me and (S1) haunt you so.
perrinoia wrote: PS: I have never even been interested in clan scrimmages in the first place. That was my first and only clan scrimmage, and I have no desire to ever do it again. The only reason I did it, was because the two newest recruits in my clan really wanted to, and begged me to join so they could meet the minimum 3 players required.

Of course not; because you were never good at the game and your clan has always been sub par and run by a fucking nobody who was forced to hide in OBS for over a year by yours truly. That and youre a complete faggot and never possessed a competitive spirit in a war game, you were only here to pick up as if it was an online dating service.
Again thanks for proving me right and being a bottom bitch.

perrinoia wrote: The difference between S1 and df at the time, was how we recruited. [df] was a very laid back group of friends who enjoyed playing together... We recruited based on personality. If we enjoyed playing with you, we wanted you to play with us more often... If we didn't, we wouldn't recruit you... It was that simple.
The difference between (S1) forever was and always will be me and how I ran my clan and trained my members. you never had a chance because Douchewater has always been terrified of me because he could NEVER beat me. Nobody could and the only reason you don't take a knee is because I never saw any of you as my equal, to me, you were all just prey. A spider cares not about the moth caught in its web, its just food. That's what you are to me Plebbin, thats what all of you were to (S1) and the members of your clans left in DROVES to join (S1) which at its height had over 40 members, including some smurfs like WAR Antimatter and WAR Spektre who used to play both sides of the coin and were very much instrumental in perpetuating the legend of DXSTRYR both good and bad. I have been a champion in this mod since my <!> days and my smurfin days as TEAM ROCKET in KK server. You just suck ass and post on forums a lot. none of you could ever hope to beat me because if you could you'd have a history of doing it in videos and many of you have tried and you talk failed to capture even the least bit of proof to back up your claims. Kneel before your God!
perrinoia wrote: S1, on the other hand, recruited only the most skilled players. Tryouts were reportedly very tough, so only the best players (mostly cheaters) got in. Then you seemed to brainwash them and make them praise you for teaching them everything you knew, despite the fact that they were better than you when they joined. How else would they pass the tryout?
Please.... The only cheaters (S1) ever had in its ranks were those who came from Ultra Ren and then made OZ clan in this mod. In fact if you think about it OZ has been responsible, not only for the proliferation of Happy mod in this community, but also gave birth to some of the most historically shitty players this mod has ever seen. none of which were ever in (S1) and could never be in (S1). but thank you for acknowledging (S1)s greatness.

lets take a walk down OZ's little yellow brick road.....

Oh boy this place don't look to good, the sign post says land of +{battery]= *a pair of douchebag's appear in a puff of green smoke* Oh my its Lem and his accomplice Lion. Its a good thing DX humiliated them out of OZ for blatant HM use and invo exploiting. Oh no they are crashing all the Annihilation server so that nobody can play anywhere but in thier server what will we ever do? WAIT! here comes DX with a bucket of water and a nuke launcher! Hooray battery got a house dropped on them by (S1) in a scrim and closed down thier server forever!

*sings follow the yellow brick road*

Uh oh; is that a couple of flying monkeys? Its C3gay and Tripop, oh boy they sure are some lame ass Hmers and invo exploiters, better let DXSTRYR know to humiliate them on forums and post SS's and Videos. Whats that? They left OZ to make thier own clan and server called Emerald and hide behind indestructible force fields and all sorts of other foolish witchcraft? HOOORAY here comes DX to drop a house on them and destroy thier clan and humiliate them out of the game forever! Heck they never showed up for a scrim they actually just got terrified out of the game, DXSTRYR truly is a Wizard of OZ!

Whats this? a Vip3r is in the road claiming he is the best OZ has ever had in thier clan. Oh boy he sure does use the HM they gave him, but there goes DXSTRYR, crushing him on forums and smashing him in servers but Vip3r has cast a sorcerous curse on the Annihilation community hes crashing all the servers endlessly because hes been run out of the game by DXSTRYR what ever will we do?

OZ in fact has breed the worst of the worst because its leaders have always been the worst and if they are legendz at all they are legendary at 2 things. The ruining of this mod through handing EVERY single recruit HM and scripts instead of teaching them skill and gameplay and by doing so giving birth to the worst players this community has ever seen and simply never fucking leaving even when there's nobody left who possesses and skill.

I never sought the best players as recruits, the best players sought to join me in crushing all of you. My expectations for try outs were never hard, I simply looked for players that would not quit no matter what was thrown at them. Comradary and teaching by example would bring out the best in my recruits and I never brainwashed anyone they simply enjoyed the game i was playing. I could have beaten you all alone, I made (S1) to save those worth saving. You are nothing in comparrison to me, nothing but a cheap thrill.
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Re: [Shoutcast] PICK UP'S LIVE!!!!

Post by DaRk »

You sound like a wonderful guy. 10/10 would hit with a speeding bus.
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Re: [Shoutcast] PICK UP'S LIVE!!!!

Post by DXSTRYR »

DaRk wrote:You sound like a wonderful guy. 10/10 would hit with a speeding bus.
You couldn't even handle the steering wheel you fucking weakling you puny, pathetic nothing.
They would have to lower the hydraulic lift just to get your fat ass on the bus and once it got going you'd have to take motion sickness pills, or anxiety pills, or both because you are so small and pathetic.
The only thing "Dark" about you is your wit and your future.

But lets be honest, to hit me with a bus, you'd have to possess some skill at driving and you possess no skill at all excpt for how quickly you can unbox a carton of twinkies and shove em in your fatty face.

Dont fuck with me boy. When you trying to figure out what a pitchfrok did i was raping players, teams, severs and clans.
Last edited by DXSTRYR on Sun Mar 13, 2016 10:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Shoutcast] PICK UP'S LIVE!!!!

Post by SpydeR. »

drop in the server sometime, i'd love to see you play
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Re: [Shoutcast] PICK UP'S LIVE!!!!

Post by DaRk »

Lol. You realize you're just a joke to everyone? Right? I do enjoy your narcissistic posts. They've been a good edition to my sound pack. They give me a good chuckle. You're like the guy no one ever wants to be. If you've taught anybody anything it's that.
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Re: [Shoutcast] PICK UP'S LIVE!!!!

Post by perrinoia »


Osiris was the sniper, and his IP matched Wicked. You're ex-gf story was bogus.

I know you were the guy in my base, because you posted a complete commentary from the first person perspective in our forums, moments after the game.

Once again, no one said YOU were too good for us... It was the other two players who posed a predictable challenge.

No one on my clan wanted to play with YOU specifically, because you are such an annoying cunt.
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Re: [Shoutcast] PICK UP'S LIVE!!!!

Post by vistalize »

Dont pay attention to this dude guys he has dodged me ever since I kicked his ass out of {OZ}

He knows who the real champion of this game is and he is just a scared little boy who will never show his face while im in the server.

Oh and I read somewhere that LM has some snipers and they are a force to be reckoned with.... Who said we were letting you get your gens up tonight??? OZ is turning this into a spawn match baby so u better be practicing in KWSN or some shit LOL!!! :banger:

See you at 8 bros
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Re: [Shoutcast] PICK UP'S LIVE!!!!

Post by vistalize »

DaRk wrote:You sound like a wonderful guy. 10/10 would hit with a speeding bus.
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Re: [Shoutcast] PICK UP'S LIVE!!!!

Post by perrinoia »

vistalize wrote:Dont pay attention to this dude guys he has dodged me ever since I kicked his ass out of {OZ}

He knows who the real champion of this game is and he is just a scared little boy who will never show his face while im in the server.

Oh and I read somewhere that LM has some snipers and they are a force to be reckoned with.... Who said we were letting you get your gens up tonight??? OZ is turning this into a spawn match baby so u better be practicing in KWSN or some shit LOL!!! :banger:

See you at 8 bros
LOL, thanks for telling us your tactics.
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Re: [Shoutcast] PICK UP'S LIVE!!!!

Post by DXSTRYR »

vistalize wrote:Dont pay attention to this dude guys he has dodged me ever since I kicked his ass out of {OZ}
Look its Little Manila's favorite Wigger, Plebiltree himself. When did you get let out the joint?
you back in the same half way house with all the roaches and dirty walls?
Just to refresh your memory, after so many days of passing the time wishing you could suck my dick in that jail cell.
YOU never did shit to me and you are no match to me. It was C3Gay that went to Wicked and Wicked that removed Lazy's admin so that he could block me on the forums. I know its hard to remember after all those years in lock up getting breed by a bull, but hey lets keep it real, feel me? Dawg?

As far as me "dodging you" I accepted your challenge over and over again but your thrift shop PC could never run Tribes Ascend and even if I agree'd to play T1, you were incarcerated 95% of the time and trying to schedule a match up is nearly impossible between all your parole visits and trips to the bail bondsman. Couple that in with having to go out and bum cigarrettes from neighbors cause your baby mamma wont give you the milk money to buy your own and when we gonna get that match in dawg?

Besides what server are you talking about cause Crow keeps banning me from all the ones he has admin on the moment OZ members start to drop from match cause I raped your gens.

how you posting on forums anyway, you better not use up those 200 minutes they give you on that Obama Phone.

Try again kid.

you better make it quick though Trump is looking to deport illegal aliens with criminal records.
Last edited by DXSTRYR on Sun Mar 13, 2016 11:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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