Mod Updates

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Re: Mod Updates

Post by Azul »

15 seconds and more powerful, or 10 seconds and keep it the way it is is fine with me. Would also be nice if there was a team chat notification that an airstrike is taking place.

The way it is now, I don't think it is possible for it to be abused, unless you gather up 4 of your teammates and do it at the same time, but lets be honest that isn't happening in today's Tribes.
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Re: Mod Updates

Post by Firelord »

SpydeR. wrote:
- Get rid of or tweak the jail. Replace with new weapon; the taser, perrins Idea:

Taser. Here's how it works:

Step 1) target plays next death animation.
Step 2) target drops all his items.
Step 3) target observes himself for approximately 3 seconds (because that is how long the death animation lasts, and people tend to rage quit over the 15 second jail sentence).
Step 4) target regains self control and has to pickup what ever items the chameleon didn't steal.

Taser should have a very short range, too... Closer than jailgun.
The real use of the jailgun is to get people out of the base when they have barricaded themselves inside with the enemy flag. It prevents shitty stalemates from happening. The taser does not help with this issue at all.

Honestly, I think people need to relax about getting jailed in general. It's maybe the funniest part of the mod. Once you get jailed for the first time, just keep your guard up. When you're walking around your base shoot at every light armor person you see, look for pussy cat messages, and listen for the sound of the cham pack.

I posted this in another thread, but what are peoples' thoughts about upping Tank's health like it used to be in old Anni? Other than angel, it's by far the worst armor in the game. Super easy to kill, with mediocre guns that are only good for camping in your base. Noobs tend to choose tank as their go-to armor since it appears on the surface to be an OP armor. I'd like more of a challenge. When a tank steps outside it is the easiest armor to snipe.
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Re: Mod Updates

Post by perrinoia »

I disagree... I think taser could be more effective than jailgun.

For instance, if you run into the enemy base with a jailgun, you get about half a second of jailing before you are out of energy. So unless you luck out and tag everyone at once, you've gotta plan your jailing strategically.

Also, there are other draw backs of the jailgun, for instance, someone has to deploy a jail tower... Jail towers are destroyable... Inmates can escape. Jailers can farm turrets around the jail tower, to pad their stats or force quick respawns for escaped convicts.

Taser, on the other hand, would be a little shorter range, but it would last a lot longer. So, you could run around the enemy base causing temporary paralysis to any poor sap that lets you get too close. They drop their items, which means, even when they wake up, they might have no ammo to get you back.

They won't be able to commit suicide while unconscious, but that only takes 3-4 seconds instead of 15. Once they regain control of their player, they can choose if they want to pickup the crap they dropped and go after you, or commit suicide and risk respawning somewhere far away.

Oh, and they CAN be damaged/killed while unconscious... For instance, I could zap you, then pickup your mines/grenades, deploy a mine on you, drop a grenade on it, and run away giggling like Peter Griffin in footy pajamas...

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Re: Mod Updates

Post by AnniDv6 »

Ghost wrote:My thoughts on the Airstrike Pack:

I hate that you have to be so far away from your flag to use it that you can barely see your own base. What's up with that? I had to fly like 200m just to be able to use the thing. Why can't we use it from our own base??
Also, 15 seconds of no moving seems a little too long for the charge time.

I like that once you use it you lose the pack.
Not being able to use the airstrike while too close to your own base makes it harder to spam from a safe location. The idea is that you have to commit to going out into the field with it. Also it's really hard to use it to kill your own teams deployables this way and it makes it clear which teams airstrike is incoming. The limits on the airstrike also have to work across many maps with different distances between bases and fog limits. One thing I knew that I did not want is for someone to easily be able to stand beyond the fog and bring down strike after strike. 250 meters seems to be the sweet spot. I am in favor of bringing the time down to 10 seconds so that will probably happen next update.

I really like the idea of the taser, but I don't see why it should replace jailing and I agree that jailing is a legitimate tactic for returning flags and clearing out a base. We can add taser as it's own thing.

Tank is going to get some love soon.
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Re: Mod Updates

Post by DaRk »

If the airstrike must be that far away, then why can an enemy place an airbase closer?
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Re: Mod Updates

Post by DESTROID »

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Re: Mod Updates

Post by AnniDv6 »

Lowered the time required to call an airstrike from 15 seconds to 10 seconds.

Added or tweaked items descriptions when mounting them for packs, deployables and weapons to be more useful to new players.
For example, Grappling Hooks description now lets you know that it inflicts electrical damage which is useful against shielded enemies.

To enable or disable these descriptions press Tab and click on 'Personal Options' and then click 'Disable Weapon Help' or 'Enable Weapon Help'.

If your 'Weapon Help' is already disabled when entering the server and you want to enable it you may need to first click 'Disable Weapon Help' and then 'Enable Weapon Help' again to be able to see the descriptions.
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Re: Mod Updates

Post by perrinoia »

Death666 wrote:I really like the idea of the taser, but I don't see why it should replace jailing and I agree that jailing is a legitimate tactic for returning flags and clearing out a base. We can add taser as it's own thing.
Because many players despise jail.

Because those players either disconnect or join arena to thwart the warden, and often don't return, as they don't want to be jailed again.

Because there are many things wrong with jail, such as how it continues to teleport victims even after the tower was destroyed.

Because there is an item limit, and we are already close to it. Adding this would require at least one new item, where as replacing jail gun and removing jail tower would free up an item, so we can add something else... Something better.

Because it's easier to remove the jail tower, rename the old weapon and rewrite it's event, than it is to create a whole new weapon.
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Re: Mod Updates

Post by Fixious »

Any chance you could allow Chams to grab the flag if they don't have the Chameleon pack equipped? If I manage to call in an airstrike that opens up the enemy flag, I should be able to grab it. I suppose this could open up the ability to buy an Cham pack after you've already grabbed the flag, but...that would be a bit pointless.
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Re: Mod Updates

Post by perrinoia »

If we made it so chameleon pack could not mount while carrying the flag, and the flag could not mount while wearing chameleon pack, you'd see chameleons juggling flags and packs across the map.

If we made it so mounting chameleon pack automatically dropped the flag, and mounting a flag automatically dropped chameleon pack, it would be even easier to juggle flags and packs across the map.
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