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Post by sabo1 »

*make map time 1 hour for each map, as longer time games have shown to get more players.

*cancel invisibility when a weapon is fired
*improve invis detection ranges for all sensors. cancel invis when you are on radar.

-get rid of interceptor pack - vehicles are not needed - its fps - the vehicle ramming and the unlimited energy fire is pretty dumb

-get rid of ghost pack - go back to smash them ctf, instead of jump through the wall garbage
-get rid of the teleport pack.
-get rid of jail gun and jail tower - again go back to smash them ctf

(the teleport stuff is game immersion breaking imo, not needed at all, and leads to lame play.)

+I would not mind replacing the teleport stuff with emp type effects that could disable defenses.
+And or an emp grenade or emp grenade launcher for anti defense (for all classes)

+replace jail gun with stun weapon? I dont mind a 10 sec stun weapon or something like that.

-turn down initial warrior spawn beacons to 2

-get rid of the angel flying class or whatever. Or get them back to normal energy based flight.

People tend to defend these changes, but it would make for much more realistic, immersive, and tactical game play.

The turrets and defense is easy to take out. These above weapons and packs are just crutches for weak players who dont want to actually get some skill really playing.

Tweaks are needed to invis because you just get people playing invis all game, and its lame.
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Re: changes?

Post by DaRk »

***make Annihilation not Annihilation and cater to my personal play style and/or wants.

No offense, but that's what it sounds like.

At this point in the game, those type of major changes would just kill the server in an already suffering player base. IMO
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Re: changes?

Post by assasin »

DaRk wrote:***make Annihilation not Annihilation and cater to my personal play style and/or wants.

No offense, but that's what it sounds like.

At this point in the game, those type of major changes would just kill the server in an already suffering player base. IMO
I agree with dark. Other than invisibility change I don't think any of the other things need to be removed..
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Re: changes?

Post by sabo1 »

really think I cant play that garbage? lol

its just weak stuff that makes for lame game play.

there is enough weapons that you dont need the teleport garbage.

sad people are so fixated on that crap that this game will never see anything other then the crap it was set up with.

yea like that base cloak, that was baller right?! Annhilation had a lot of garbage in it.

I dont see how people think that garbage has any place in the game except for griefing players. I can be a dick set up a jail tower, turret it and sneak around and jauil gun people till they quit the game, whats the point if there are no players to play with?! (lame play)

the stupid teleport pack, so I just set up turrets and teleport you to them, more lame play.

ghost pack, go through walls, leads to many map exploits, more lame play.

oh then the interceptor pack, lol, really? very fast, hard to hit, has unlimited range and fire?! No other weapon in this game as unlimited shot that dont use energy. Ramming nonsense. Just spawn one hold the fire button and strafe around. (lame play)

teleports break immersion of game play. 1st time I got hit with the jail gun I quit the game because I thought it was an admin being a dick. Had no clue I was hit by a weapon.

its like people are scared of a real first person shooter, which tribes is suppose to be. Tribes was stupid with the vehicles, it always was.

I think you take this back to the smash them up kind of ctf this mod was suppose to be.

blah blah blah waste my time I know, bunch of hack players that somehow need that garbage to play, lol, good day.
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Re: changes?

Post by DaRk »

Titan is too powerful with one shot kills... We should nerf it.

Troll chaingun doesn't have enough spread, you shouldn't be able to snipe with it.

Remove detpacks. Garage weapon for garbage players.

Limit engineers to 12 sniper bullets instead of 18. If you need 18, you can't aim worth shit.

Remove all turrets. Turrets are only for those who don't know how to play a real FPS and only limit player to player interaction.

Remove all remote sensors. You don't get a leg up because you're blind and have 0 awareness otherwise.

Remove all barriers (FFs, platforms, etc). It's capture the flag, not give the flag a haystack.

Honestly, the mod you are looking for is Renegades (love that mod), but this is Annihilation. Build your own if you want to make this many subjective changes. Let's just remove everything and play base then (less whinny people there anyways).
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Re: changes?

Post by AnniDv6 »

Why not just play base at that point.

There are counters for ghost pack by the way. I have played against a lot of players who set really good defense against ghosts with no problem and even ghost cap against really hard to get by ghost defense after an intense battle of both of trying to ghost each others flags and take down the flag d to be able to at the same time. Players like Shift would innovate and create new fun routes for flag grabs with ghost that I then saw other players learn. If you pay attention to what weapons have high kickback and realize that ghost pack increases your kickback compared to normal armor you will discover boosting while ghosted. (Disarm spell works really well for this, Intentionally flying close to an enemy nuke going off and ghosting to boost yourself is another example). Ghosting or not it's not possible to be invisible with the flag anymore so a lot of times if a ghost grabs a flag you can wait outside your base and be able to chase them back to theirs. Not to mention that their mobility is awful in necromancer armor and switching to ghost drains their health. You are literally chasing someone that can either barely move or is taking damage even if you miss.

In short there is so much tactility to annihilation that you seem to have totally missed. Everything in the mod pretty much DOES have a counter and that is why the mod outlived every. other. mod. Feel free to make your own mod if you want to as I said in the other thread. It seems silly to demand an decade plus old mod to totally change because you refuse to learn the game play.

Also try shooting someone invisible with plasma (you know that gun you spawn with every time) and see what happens. They cannot fly without leaving a big trail of smoke and they are in an armor with no shields that if you sneeze near them they will die.
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Re: changes?

Post by Jegue »

This same subject again, lol. I'd just turn invis spell into something better, and keep the rest as it it. Interceptor is awesome, and I love how some players get mad at it and start voting to kick the ones who use it, no matter how much the server's player base has shrunk. Maybe all vehicles should have a slightly higher flight speed btw
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Re: changes?

Post by DaRk »

Jegue wrote:This same subject again, lol. I'd just turn invis spell into something better, and keep the rest as it it. Interceptor is awesome, and I love how some players get mad at it and start voting to kick the ones who use it, no matter how much the server's player base has shrunk. Maybe all vehicles should have a slightly higher flight speed btw
Vehicles were more fun when STU was around. Not quite as fast as they used to be either.
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Re: changes?

Post by sabo1 »

DaRk wrote:Titan is too powerful with one shot kills... We should nerf it.

Troll chaingun doesn't have enough spread, you shouldn't be able to snipe with it.

Remove detpacks. Garage weapon for garbage players.

Limit engineers to 12 sniper bullets instead of 18. If you need 18, you can't aim worth shit.

Remove all turrets. Turrets are only for those who don't know how to play a real FPS and only limit player to player interaction.

Remove all remote sensors. You don't get a leg up because you're blind and have 0 awareness otherwise.

Remove all barriers (FFs, platforms, etc). It's capture the flag, not give the flag a haystack.

Honestly, the mod you are looking for is Renegades (love that mod), but this is Annihilation. Build your own if you want to make this many subjective changes. Let's just remove everything and play base then (less whinny people there anyways).
I am fine with all the weapons, I think there is quite enough firepower that the teleports are not needed. Game immersion breaking and lead to a lot of lame play. Maybe read the original post first.
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Re: changes?

Post by sabo1 »

DaRk wrote:Vehicles were more fun when STU was around. Not quite as fast as they used to be either.
its just the vehicle pack interceptor. It has very far range fire, and its un limited rapid fire, that uses no energy. The other vehicles, like the bomber, use energy for shots and go a time they cant fire. The interceptor pack is literally hold fire button down and strafe. I dont know how this is considered something needed for this mod.